Sconce path to Fawether Cabins consultation

Friends of Baildon Moor are investigating possible improvements to the access from the Sconce Path to near the Fawther Cabins. The document below gives details of this. Click on the “Open in New Window” icon to view the document on your screen.

Friends of Baildon Moor welcome your comments on this subject. You can use the comment section below, you can email or use our FaceBook page.

We will be using all the comments to formulate our final plans soon after the public meeting on 14 May.

Click this link to view the consultation document PDF

4 thoughts on “Sconce path to Fawether Cabins consultation”

  1. Having seen the recent work undertaken to improve the path leading from the scout camp up the hill, may I congratulate FoBM for the improvements made. That area was badly affected by poor drainage & was becoming in passable.
    Many thanks also for not removing the limited cover close to the site by diverting the drainage around the few trees. These trees provide important singing perches for birds that nest on the floor such as Reed Buntings in the spring.

    Well done.

  2. Thank you for completing some drainage work on the track from Low Springs to the Whitehouse. The middle part is still a bit tricky but hopefully it will dry out now you have dug a ditch at the side.

    Thank you also for covering up the exposed pipe on the part of the track that joins the track from the Whitehouse to the Scout Camp.

  3. The extremely wet weather has certainly destroyed this path so improved drainage would be my preference. There is a stream running down the side of the wall which continues down to the scout camp area. If work could be undertaken to encourage run-off towards the stream, it may alleviate the excess water standing. Please do not remove any tree or shrubs. A very prickly patch next to the silver birch along the wall was where, a few years ago, a Grasshopper Warbler “reeled” for a day. The bush provides thick cover.

  4. As a local horse rider I would like to comment as follows.

    I would have no objection to you diverting the track to run nearer the wall but I would ask you to leave the track as natural as possible and PLEASE DO NOT ADD ANY FURTHER SECTIONS OF BOARDWALK. I have ridden this track for 20 years and have never seen it as bad as it is at present. Despite what you say about the plastic boardwalk being non-slip, I can assure that it is slippy when it is wet when you cross it on horseback and I would hate to see any more of it added to this track. I walked the route just over a week ago and agree it is in a terrible state due to the wet autumn and winter. If you continue past the cabins along the edge of the moor heading towards the gallops you will find that someone keeps placing stones, pieces of wood and even an old clay drain pipe in the mud to use as stepping stones across the muddy parts and this makes it impossible for horse riders to use the track and we have to divert nearer to the golf course and possible conflict with the golfers.

    Would it be possible to drain the path and put some stone underneath and then cover it back over with natural material – more like the access track which goes up the slope from the cabins and back towards the road?

    The track that runs east of Hawksworth Road from Low Springs to the Whitehouse was great when it was dry but has been impossible to use since the end of last “summer” because it also has some very muddy sections both at the Low Springs end and in the middle section. We have had to revert back to riding along the verge at the side of the road. Please could you look into doing some drainage work on this path too?

    Lastly with regard to the drainage work completed recently on the track from the Whitehouse to Sconce. If you cross directly from the Whitehouse on to the short natural path which joins the surfaced path, a drainage pipe has been put in under a muddy section but it hasn’t been covered up properly and is partly exposed. Please could you put a bit more soil etc on top of the pipe to cover it up.

    Thank you for the work you are doing and for the opportunity to comment on your proposals.

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