Good news, Shaun Radcliffe, the chair of Bradford Ornithological Group, has agreed to conduct a walk over Baildon Moor starting at 9:00am on Saturday 22 June, returning about noon.
The walk will start from the large carpark on the right of Hawksworth Road after the Bingley Road turning. It will be a decent length walk so come prepared with good shoes or boots and appropriate clothing. A bottle of water would also be a good idea.
Shaun will bring a few pairs of binoculars but if you have some of your own please bring them.
The intention is to walk towards the scout camp. Then go up Sconce Lane and turn left at Faweather Grange to Birch Close. Then go right towards Weecher Res and come down Sconce Lane again via Little London area.
We will be looking out for several bird species – Meadow Pipit, Reed Bunting, Linnet, Wren and Willow Warbler could be seen. There are other birds which could turn up such as Little Owl, Grey Partridge, Curlew and Kestrel. We may also see Redkite.
Several other members of Bradford Ornithological Group may join us so that we don’t all have to huddle round Shaun to hear about birds.
If you are thinking of joining us it would be great if you could comment on here or facebook.
There will also be a light hearted competition.