This is a blog for the FOBM that will include details of meetings, details of work that is to be done and work that has been done. You may also want to check on the FoBM facebook page here.
More bracken clearing was done on the evening of Tuesday 27 July 2011. David Sturge, Richard Freeman, Matt Lewis and Paul Marfell worked for a couple of hours on a path from Glen Road up to the road to Crooke Farm caravan site.
The bracken is quite tall and once cut it falls and gets in the way of the next pass of the strimmer. We are still trying to work out the best way to do the work. One strimming followed by 2 clearing followed by one strimming the bits left seems to be a good way of working.
The FoBM committee met briefly to discuss progress. Insurance is in place and new dustbins for the main car parks are in progress.
View the minutes for the meeting here: FoBM Meeting Minutes (2010-06-02).pdf (74 KB)
The FoBM held a Special General Meeting to vote in a permanent committee and transition from a steering group.
View the minutes for the meeting here: FoBM SGM Minutes (2010-04-07).pdf (84 KB)
The long awaited first meeting took place on Wednesday the 24th of February at the Baildon Community Link.
The minutes for the meeting can be downloaded here: FoBM_Meeting_Minutes_2010_02_24.pdf (74 KB)
A informal FoBM walk took place over the moor to inspect the sites of potential projects. The Sconce path was a quagmire and is seen as a priority for the Friends to tackle.
The path from the white house is a very popular route to the Aire Valley Scout camp. Improving the path will greatly aid access to the public and keep walkers off the busy main road, which is very dangerous.
Right: FoBM members inspecting the path erosion which leads to the old Sconce main street, and with bags of litter collected on the way over.