Sightings – 13 Nov 2012

Thanks to Shaun Radcliffe of Bradford Ornithological Group for info on his latest sightings.

This morning I looked around the hedgerows near Glovershaw Farm. Birds seen included Goldfinch, Wren, Blackbird, Greenfinch and Robin. During this time, I heard in the distance the unmistakable “kronking” call of Raven and sure enough two birds flew directly over me heading down the valley. This is not a common sighting here for sure.

Walked in the woods which were quiet but came across two feeding parties consisting of Great, Blue and Long-tailed Tits. As usual there were plenty of Jays about but sight of a Grey Wagtail by the man-made pond was a bonus. I did not see many winter thrushes with just five Fieldfare flying over. A Kestrel was hunting over the dead bracken areas.

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