Category Archives: What’s Happened

This is a blog for the FOBM that will include details of meetings, details of work that is to be done and work that has been done. You may also want to check on the FoBM facebook page here.

September Committee Meeting

This is a meeting for the committee but we still publicise the agenda.

Monday 3rd September 2012, Room 1, Baildon Methodist Church, 7:00pm-9:00pm
1. Apologies and opportunity to inform the Chair of any other business (AOB) – 7:00-7:05
2. Review of the minutes of the last meeting including agreed actions – 7:05 – 7:15
• David will contact Debbie Davis and ask her to keep us informed on the progress of the request to move the cattle grid.
• Elin will put a note in the calendar for June to remind us to find out about the date of the carnival in 2013 (DONE).
• The Christmas fair will be on Dec 2nd, Elin will add this to the calendar (DONE).
• David will liaise with David Mitchell so that we hear of the date of the carnival in time to make plans for a stall in 2013 (DONE).
• Richard will find out the deadlines for applications for community chest and mechanics institute funding (DONE) and inform Elin who will add the dates to the calendar (DONE).
• Debbie will look back in the treasury records to look for any other details of funding deadlines to include in the FoBM calendar or events and forward details to Elin to include in the calendar.
• Elin will buy a wall calendar to enable the FoBM committee to review forthcoming events at each meeting (DONE). She will also keep an electronic copy which she will look into options to share with interested parties through the use of the FOBM e-mail account (Elin/Paul to update the committee).
• Malcolm will write a short summary of his walk to go on the website and in e-newsletter, he e-mail this text to Elin.
• Elin will approach the FoIM mushroom and fungi walk leader to see if they will do one in Baildon (DONE – Elin to update group).
• Debbie will make contact with Bob and Richard to discuss the ‘donate a tree as a memorial’ option.
3. Treasurer’s report – 7:15 – 7:20 (Elin will provide this update in Debbie’s absence)
4. Committee activities/proposals – 7:20 – 8:10
• (7:20 – 7:40) Bracken control & management (including Input sought by Ian Lyons about Bracken clearance works)
• (7:40 – 7:50) Paths/access (including encroachments, and recent observations)
• (7:45 – 7:50) Membership communications (Newsletters/web/Facebook activity/ date of next public meeting Mon 5th Nov proposed)
• (7:55 – 8:00) Programme of events (Lectures/walks/litter picks/bracken clearance dates)
• (no update anticipated) Interpretation/information boards
• 8:00 – 8:10) Flora and fauna protection (including report from Paul re contact with BOG)
• (no update anticipated) Diorama review
• (no update anticipated) Acrehowe Cross
5. Activities of/proposals from others stakeholders – 8:10 – 8:40
• (8:10 – 8:30) Proposed wind turbine development (following a short discussion on this topic a committee vote will take place to determine whether FoBM should respond to the consultation, and if so, the outline content of this response)
• (8:30 – 8:35) News of works/plans from Bradford Council’s Countryside Service
• (8: 35 – 8:40) News of works/plans from Bradford Council’s Woodlands Manager
• (no update anticipated) Reservoir developments
6. Correspondence – 8:40 – 8:45
7. Any other business (AOB) – 8:45 – 8:50
8. Agreement of actions – 8:50 – 8:55
9. Date and time of the next meeting – 8:55 – 9:00


Bracken Clearing 5:45pm 7th June Crook Farm

Due to heavy rain on Thursday 7th June, Paul Marfell & David Sturge managed a small area of cutting only.

The intention is to meet same place & time this coming Thursday to do the rest of the several tracks to the south and east below Dobrudden Farm where the bracken is currently the highest on the Moor. It is soft enough to use many methods of attack but not so dense that a lot of clearing up is needed. We

Beacon for Baildon 4 June 2012

This was a great event attended by many more than expected. It was thought that most people would see it from their parties elsewhere but several hundred walked up to the trig point and had a great time.

This photo was taken on my way up as the sun was setting:-

Sunset on the beacon

and then later on:-

Jubilee beacon

The Friends Of Baildon Moor And Baildon Rugby Club,
in association with Baildon Parish Council.
To celebrate H.M. The Queens Diamond Jubilee 2012
a series of over 3000 beacons are being lit around the country.

H.M. The Queen will be lighting the National
Beacon in Central London at 10.30pm
a local beacon will be lit
Monday 4 June 2012 at 10.15pm
Top Trig Point, Baildon Moor

Please come and take part in this national event
All ages welcome

(parking is available at the moor top car park off Bingley Road
and along side Bingley Road)
The organisers cannot accept any responsibility for any injury or accident on Baildon Moor

Litter pick 21 st April 2012

The litter pick on 21st April 2012 on Baildon Moor started from the Upper Eaves Car Park, Hawksworth Rd at 11AM.

David, Malcolm and Debbie collected 10 bags of litter for CBMDC to pick up later.

The tops to the east of the car park were fairly clear as the wind blows the litter into the hollows below the crag. They were able to get at some deeper rubbish before the vegetation has come up, so quite satisfying.

A successful morning.

Litter Pick – Sunday 8th April 2012 11am

A litter pick was organised for 11am on Sunday 8th April starting from the Upper Eaves car park.

All were welcome but because of the day chosen only David Sturge and Paul Marfell turned up. Several bags of litter were collected and in some cases it was collected several times due to the wind turning the bags round in our hands and tipping out the content.

In spite of the wind Skylarks were very much in evidence, hovering high-up in the sky and singing their hearts out.

2012 AGM

The Friends of Baildon Moor AGM for 2012 held on 24th April in the Baildon Community Link on Cliffe Avenue at 7:30pm was an enjoyable evening for the members.

Danny Jackson Countryside and Rights of Way Manager gave a talk on Managing the Moors. You can view the slides he used during his talk here.

The slides used for the report from the Friends of Baildon Moor can be found here.