On Saturday 10 August 2013 Alison Tymon of the Yorkshire Geology trust led a geology walk on the moor. She described the 300 million year old Carboniferous rocks of Baildon Hill. We started from the Eaves quarry where good quality millstone grit was quarried for local building. Members of the Riches of the Earth project added their knowledge of the coal mining , clay and ganister extraction across the moor. Alison explained the formation of these rocks and minerals. Fifteen people attended and learnt a lot . Fossils found were Dunberrella and goniatites, ancestors of ammonites, and tree fossils.
There is a Geology Report about Baildon Hill that was written by Parissa Ghaznavi and Alison Tymon. You can download and read a copy using this link – Baildon Hill Geology Report